CDRI Engagements at G20

India’s G20 Presidency has invited CDRI to participate as a guest International Organization  in the Sherpa, Finance and Central Bank Deputies meetings (FCBD) and Ministerial meetings as well  as in four G20 Working Groups: Infrastructure, Sustainable Finance, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Environment and Climate Sustainability.   CDRI’s contribution in G20 Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group is focused on the resilient infrastructure priority. CDRI is a knowledge partner to the DRR Working Group. 

The 5 key priorities of the G20 DRRWG are:  

  • Global Coverage of Early Warning Systems
  • Disaster and Climate Resilient Infrastructure
  • Financing Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Disaster Response System
  • Ecosystem-based Approach to DRR

1st Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group Meeting, Gandhinagar, 30 March – 1 April 2023

CDRI organized a side event at the 1st DRRWG meeting ‘Disaster Resilient Infrastructure: Insights for the G20” on 31 March 2023.

The side event convened sector experts to discuss the evolving landscape of disaster risk and infrastructure resilience and its implications for G20 nations. The discussions emphasized the importance of equitable and informed investments in infrastructure, driven by a nuanced understanding of gender impacts of infrastructure decisions.

2nd Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group Meeting, Mumbai, 23 – 25 March 2023